Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Week 6....Webquest

What are Webquests and how do we use them?  Create your own!! 
This was the focus for the week.  I have definitely learned something new with each week!!

Here is a Webquest that I looked at to see what an intermediate to middle school aged students could do: 

It was all about nutrition.  The class was divided up into groups and each student took on a role of a food category.  This allowed for each student to dive into the research and then collaboration with others to complete the task at hand.  It also allowed for problem solving and creativity with designing the final project. 

My Webquest….Running in the Bluegrass.

I created this Webquest for the students to work together and see different perspectives of the Kentucky Derby.  They will look into the events thru the various eyes of different characters and then come back together to see what is similar & what is different through the various perspectives.  This assignment is designed for them to look further into a Kentucky event that has taken place for years and hopeful to continue for many more.  It allows them to step into others shoes, be creative in their writing and presentation, as well as, learning how to collaborate with others in presenting together.  The collaboration will allow for futhered learning in problem solving.

I started the project not having a clue.  I read all the articles, looked on-line at various examples and seemed stumped!  So, I figured that I needed to at least get started.  My first glitch came with trying to set up my 30-day trial.  Everything looked great, until ‘submit’…..NOTHING.  So, after trying it again and again, I went to the ‘bug report’ and sent a message to get my account set up.  A reply wasn’t too far behind, allowing me access right away.

Getting the majority of the areas completed wasn’t too bad once I decided on a topic.  The topic took me a bit to decide on, as well as creating an entire assignment.  This was definitely new to me.  The typing and ways to attach, drop, move, etc were all a little off to what I normally see when typing in Word.  This assignment allowed me to go out of my comfort zone and try to create something new, while learning a new way of entering the data that I needed.  I am definitely by no means stellar with this new found technology, but able to get another one going and adventure out a little more on what else can be done within each page of the setup.  Here is a link to my webquest that I created.

No Technology Explorations this week (it felt weird not having them).....stay tuned to see what next week holds.

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